Registration for online participation

Are you a member of HKGS?

Will you join us on-site?

(Onsite Registration deadline: 2 June 2024)

Will you join the lunch symposium?

22 June 2024, Saturday, 12:30pm

Will you join the annual dinner?

22 June 2024, Saturday, 18:30pm

Personal Information

Personal Information

Academic Accreditations

What is your preferred login information?

Please enter a valid email
Enter a valid password.
Password does not match.

Select your payment method

Price: HKD 1,500

FPS Transfer Notice

Price: HKD 1,500

Bank account name: Mint Five Communication Limited
Bank account no.: 012-884-0012676-1
FPS ID: 107997892

Crossed Cheque by Mail

Price: HKD 1,500

Cheque payable to: Mint Five Communication Limited
Mailing address: Room 02, 9/F, No 83 Tai Lin Pai Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong SAR

Upload your receipt or cheque copy here

Drag and drop the file
or browse files on your device.

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Registration Information

Membership: HKGS Member / Non HKGS Member
Login Email: Email
Title: NA
First Name: NA
Last Name / Surname: NA
Country Code: NA
Mobile Number: NA
Region: NA
Institution / Hospital: NA
Other Institution: NA
Position: NA
Specialty / Discipline: NA
Other Specialty / Discipline: NA

Academic Accreditations

MCHK Number /
Registration Number
(For other discipline):
Not Applicable
Accreditation: NA

Event Attendance

Your preferred way
of participation:
Online / Onsite
Lunch Symposium: Yes / No
Annual Dinner: Yes / No
Registration Fee: Free

Registration Fee

Payment Method: FPS / Cheque
FPS Record: Upload Now / Upload Late
Cheque Record: Upload Now / Upload Late
Upload Image Record: (Download)

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Have you received a confirmation email?

Please check your email junk/trash box if you cannot find the confirmation email in your inbox.

Thank you for registering HKGS ASM 2024!

Your account has been created successfully.

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